Canaan estate

Rolling hills on the Chirripo River as well as high areas on the top the farm that allow panoramic views of the Valley. About half of the farm is blessed with a great amount of flat areas to build. It also has rainforest on a part of it. Accessible by car right up to the farm. Internal roads would have to be built in order to access the majority of the farm. Few farms are left with these features in the Chirripo area. If you are looking at buying a large piece of land, this property is the best one in the market of the Chirripo area.

Water source: Springs on the land/ ASADA from the town

View Features: Spectacular views of the mountains and city + views of the river

Access: From the main road


Location: Canaan

Area: 54 hectares/ 134 acres

Price: $5 000 000

Altitude: 1200 meters/ 3937